
Showing posts from November, 2020

Inequality in chile

 It's a fact that people in this world don't have the same opportunities than everyone else because of the inequality. We can see an example of this issue in our country Chile, where not everyone can study a career and aspire for a better situation for themselves and their family, for example, all because of their poverty. Careers in Chile are so expensive that a lot of families have to choose between no studies at all and to get into debt to make sure that their children can study something, and when they end their careers, are in debt for a long time. We can also see this inequality in the differences of salary of the people in the country, being the seventh country with more differences of salary in latin america. This situation gets worse when we know that one third of the money that the country makes goes to the wealthiest one percent of the population, and all of this is known because of a World Bank research. There's a lot of examples like this and in conclusion ther

My future job

 In the future I would like to become a clinical research monitor. I imagine that job like a good one, because it is like an office job, but also you have to travel to hospitals or health centers to monitoring some specialists like doctors, oncologists, nurses, etc. So it would be like an indoor/outdoor job at the same tim. I would like to travel in my future job, but not all the time, because I would not like to be a lot of time out of my house and missing my family, but if I have to travel to nearby places that would not be a problem. I don't like money that much, so my salary would be perfect if it is enough to live calmly with my family. To be a monitor I have to study a master's degree in clinical research, because that's a way to get the job. I like this job because I have a lot of references of it, my brother works as a monitor and I see the way he works, the things he does and I think that it is a very interesting job, also I like the idea that I would be working wi

Bad experience at a concert

 This is a (kind of) sad story about a time when I went to a concert to see two of my favorite bands "Slayer" and "Anthrax". It was back in october of 2019 and I arrived to the concert a little bit late because I had to study for a Biology test, so I missed two of the previous bands (I liked them too by the way). I was lucky enough to see Anthrax, it was a great concert and I had a lot of fun. Later Slayer came to stage and I though that I was gonna have fun too, but I didn't know that some guys started to throw stuff in the air, so one of this things fell on my face! right on my eyebrow, and it made me bleed a lot, so I had to get out of there (some people helped me) and go to the infirmary of the place and they had to suture my eyebrow. Long story short is that I missed the entire concert and ended covered in blood, injured, hurt and sad because it was the last time that they were playing ever in Chile and I missed it. I guess luck was never on my side that da

My profession

 My future profession will be pharmaceutical chemist. The positive aspects of this profession is that wecan help to the health of people in many ways, like lead the people to have better health habits, educate them to take care of themselves correctly, help people to know what the doctor has prescribed to them, participate in medicament manufacture and packaging, etc. So this profession has to do with the health side, but it has a social side too, which is perfect for me. The beneficts of this profession is that we have a lot to do, so we have a lot of job opportunities. We also have a lot of chances of being working as soon as we go out of college, which is a good thing for a profession. I have chosen this profession mostly because I like to help people, especially with their health, because I think that everyone has the right to know what to do and what medicament to take to solve a health problem. I have also chosen it because I liked the subjects that we had to study all these year