Bad experience at a concert

 This is a (kind of) sad story about a time when I went to a concert to see two of my favorite bands "Slayer" and "Anthrax". It was back in october of 2019 and I arrived to the concert a little bit late because I had to study for a Biology test, so I missed two of the previous bands (I liked them too by the way). I was lucky enough to see Anthrax, it was a great concert and I had a lot of fun. Later Slayer came to stage and I though that I was gonna have fun too, but I didn't know that some guys started to throw stuff in the air, so one of this things fell on my face! right on my eyebrow, and it made me bleed a lot, so I had to get out of there (some people helped me) and go to the infirmary of the place and they had to suture my eyebrow. Long story short is that I missed the entire concert and ended covered in blood, injured, hurt and sad because it was the last time that they were playing ever in Chile and I missed it. I guess luck was never on my side that day.


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