My profession

 My future profession will be pharmaceutical chemist. The positive aspects of this profession is that wecan help to the health of people in many ways, like lead the people to have better health habits, educate them to take care of themselves correctly, help people to know what the doctor has prescribed to them, participate in medicament manufacture and packaging, etc. So this profession has to do with the health side, but it has a social side too, which is perfect for me. The beneficts of this profession is that we have a lot to do, so we have a lot of job opportunities. We also have a lot of chances of being working as soon as we go out of college, which is a good thing for a profession. I have chosen this profession mostly because I like to help people, especially with their health, because I think that everyone has the right to know what to do and what medicament to take to solve a health problem. I have also chosen it because I liked the subjects that we had to study all these years in college. I hope we can all be good professionals in the future and enjoy our professions.


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