Inequality in chile

 It's a fact that people in this world don't have the same opportunities than everyone else because of the inequality. We can see an example of this issue in our country Chile, where not everyone can study a career and aspire for a better situation for themselves and their family, for example, all because of their poverty. Careers in Chile are so expensive that a lot of families have to choose between no studies at all and to get into debt to make sure that their children can study something, and when they end their careers, are in debt for a long time. We can also see this inequality in the differences of salary of the people in the country, being the seventh country with more differences of salary in latin america. This situation gets worse when we know that one third of the money that the country makes goes to the wealthiest one percent of the population, and all of this is known because of a World Bank research. There's a lot of examples like this and in conclusion there is a lot to do to make sure that this inequality stops, and the first step is being aware of this and work together to solve this issue, and we know one of the best things to do is giving all the people the same opportunities.


  1. Chile is a country with a lot of inequality and our corrupt politicians only increase that inequality :(

  2. You literally can describe Chile with only the word inequality, it's such a shame

  3. And if the careers are expensive but you get the free scholarship, it is equally expensive to stay in the big cities when you go to study, because many of us have to leave our town and go to other cities and it is so expensive! so sad:c

  4. This is true. University careers in Chile are very expansive! and unfortunately we don' t all have the same opportunities :(


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