My future job

 In the future I would like to become a clinical research monitor. I imagine that job like a good one, because it is like an office job, but also you have to travel to hospitals or health centers to monitoring some specialists like doctors, oncologists, nurses, etc. So it would be like an indoor/outdoor job at the same tim. I would like to travel in my future job, but not all the time, because I would not like to be a lot of time out of my house and missing my family, but if I have to travel to nearby places that would not be a problem. I don't like money that much, so my salary would be perfect if it is enough to live calmly with my family. To be a monitor I have to study a master's degree in clinical research, because that's a way to get the job. I like this job because I have a lot of references of it, my brother works as a monitor and I see the way he works, the things he does and I think that it is a very interesting job, also I like the idea that I would be working with people to help them to improve methods and make sure that we can improve the health of the people


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