
Showing posts from October, 2020

My best holidays :)

 The best holidays I ever had was this January when I went to Algarrobo with two of my best friends and the family of one of them. We were there for 4 days and we did a lot of things together like spending the entire day and part of the night in the beach talking, listening to music and playing table games like "carioca, poker, etc." we also went to long walks through the forest and through the town where we found a theme park. We also did a lot of barbecues and ate a lot of different foods because one of my friends and his uncle are professional chefs, so it was like a paradise on earth.  This holidays were the best so far because it was one of the first holidays that I spent with my friends, I had a lot of fun and peaceful moments, so it was like the perfect mix between having fun and relaxing moments, I enjoyed it a lot and if I could turn back time to go again I would do it without hesitation.
 The country I'd like to go is England because I'd like to learn english by talking to native speakers, also because its landscapes and cities which I find them so interesting and full of history. The things I know of England are not that much, I know that the capital city is London, the weather is very rainy and cloudy, the country is still ruled by a kingdom and the people have a particular hour to drink tea. The things I'd like to do there is talking to other people and try to make them understand what I'm saying, it would be like a personal challenge and a moment to learn more of this language. I also would like to go to the great stadiums all over the country, I really love football so it would be like a dream for me. Another thing I'd like to do is walking all over the cities and get lost in such beautiful place. Maybe i would like to live or study there, it would be a new experience for me and a chellenge too, it would be hard in the beginning, because I like